The Synergy of Islamic Philanthropy and SDGs: Pathways to Economic Sustainability in Indonesia


  • Ratna Dewi Setyowati Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo, Indonesia Author


Islamic philanthropy, Economic sustainabilityeconomy, SDGs


Islamic philanthropy refers to social and spiritual causes. Indonesia's Muslim population currently reaches 87.2% of the total population. Looking at this, the potential of Islamic philanthropy in Indonesia automatically promises excellent opportunities for the Muslim community to help others and develop various sectors that encourage increased socio-economic sustainable development. However, not many Indonesian Muslim communities know about the different forms of long-term Islamic philanthropy. This is because management and support from the government and regulations are deemed insufficient to increase religious and social awareness to actively participate in various forms of Islamic philanthropy, especially cash waqf and sadaqah. This research aims to compare the difference between cash waqf and sadaqah. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods, with secondary data sources obtained from literature reviews, libraries, and documentation through books, journal articles, websites, and financial reports. The data analysis techniques used are collection, reduction, display, and conclusion. Cash waqf can be distributed productively by financing social enterprises, building mosques, madrassas, food stalls, and other public facilities related to long-term sustainable development. Meanwhile, sadaqah must still be expanded to solve food security problems in certain areas. However, sadaqah can be productive if used to grow independent business skills. Collaboration between philanthropic indicators and SDGs is beneficial as a solution to fostering the growth of Indonesian society.


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How to Cite

Setyowati, R. D. (2024). The Synergy of Islamic Philanthropy and SDGs: Pathways to Economic Sustainability in Indonesia. FUQAHA Journal of Islamic Law, 1(1), 1-12.